Why Go To an Evangelical English Camp?
- Use your English-speaking skills to build friendships with people who want to learn conversational English but would never associate with believers otherwise.
- Religion has taught our campers that God and the Bible are too complicated for them.
- Imagine their surprise when, through reading the Bible at camp, they discover they can understand it themselves!
- They’re even more surprised to learn what it actually says – that God loves them and desires a personal relationship with them.
- Facilitate a Bible reading time at camp. Imagine placing a Bible in non-believers’ hands and then helping them discover that they can read and understand God’s word.
- Imagine playing a role in their discovering Jesus and learning that God loves them!
- Listen to, laugh and worship with men, women, children, and teens who have not experienced a Spirit filled community and Jesus’ unconditional love—ever
- These camps play a key role in the lives of campers who come wanting to improve their English. They provide a natural opportunity to hear the Gospel presented as part of the curriculum. When the camps end, our missionaries maintain contact with them, inviting them to local fellowships and discipling those who place their faith in Jesus Christ.
- This summer we need 300+ English speaking volunteers on our Eastern European and Middle East short-term ministry teams.
Benefits of Camp Participation:
- ·Your personal faith will deepen as you step beyond your comfort zone and experience God in new ways.
- ·Your deepened faith will strengthen and encourage the local church.
- ·Your participation encourages the overseas missionaries and broadens their ministry.
- ·Your life will be enriched through building relationships with Eastern Europeans of all ages.
To Fill Other Needs:
- ·You have specific skills our staff need for short periods, such as:
- ·English speaking, soccer or basketball skills for evangelical outreach
- ·Maintenance, computer, construction, etc, skills needed to provide or maintain ministry resources.
- ·Your participation encourages the missionaries and broadens their ministry.